How to craft a saddle in Minecraft 1.10 2. How to craft a saddle in Minecraft, and what is required? Saddle crafting recipes

Minecraft is one of the most popular sandbox games in the world. In 2018, more than 91 million people played it, and as of May 2019, more than 176 million different copies of this game were sold for PC and mobile platforms. The functionality of Minecraft allows you to create your own computer worlds, which you can enjoy both by yourself and in the company of your friends. Many users would like to create a saddle. This is a useful game element that allows you to ride pigs, mules, horses and donkeys. How can you make a saddle in Minecraft gameplay, and is it even possible? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to make a saddle in Minecraft?

The saddle in the Minecraft game is an important element that allows control and ride various animals in the game.

This is what the saddle looks like in the game

Thanks to the saddle you will be able to stay on the horse (pig, mule, donkey), and due to this quickly cover significant distances.

Using a horse with a saddle will allow you to quickly cover significant distances

The game developers directly state that it will not be possible to make (craft) a saddle in any standard way in Minecraft. However, there are semi-legal ways to create this interesting element. Let's look at them in order.

Let's figure out how to get a saddle in Minecraft

Method number 1. Using cheats

The easiest way to craft a saddle in Minecraft is use cheats. To do this, you first need to enable cheats in your game menu. Alternatively, you can press pause, go to the menu " Open to LAN", and enable the option " Allow Cheats » ( Allow Cheats).

Enable cheats in Minecraft

Further procedure:

  1. Make sure you play " Creative mode"(Creative mode). If not, open the chat window (press T) and type: /gamemode c .
  2. After this, you can take the saddle from your inventory. You can also switch back to " survival mode » ( survival mode) thanks to the /gamemode s command and get your saddle.
  3. You can also use the cheat directly. To do this, open the chat and use the following code: /give playernamesaddle 1.

Method number 2. Using the "Saddle Resipe" mod to make a new element

The second method is to download and install a mod called « Saddle Resipe.”

After installing it you need craft a saddle at a workbench (it will be impossible to do this in the inventory). To do this you will need to use one of the following methods.

First method:

For the second method, which allows you to craft a saddle in Minecraft, you will need one iron ingot, one thread, and twenty-seven pieces of leather.

The method is as follows:

Action Display in game
Craft three pieces of red leather. To do this, fill all nine slots of the workbench with regular leather, after which you will receive three pieces of red leather.

Get three pieces of red leather

At the same time, you can also melt zombie flesh into leather.

Zombie flesh into skin

Place these three pieces of red leather in the top three cells, place the thread in the center cell of the middle row, and iron in the center cell of the bottom row.

Create your saddle

For third option we will need six pieces of leather and one iron ingot.

All that remains is to do the following in Minecraft:

How to put on a saddle in Minecraft

To put on a saddle you need to approach the horse (donkey, pig, mule), you need have a saddle in your hand, and click on the horse(donkey, pig, mule) with the right mouse button. To climb onto an animal saddled in this way, you need to again right click on it.

If you want to get off the animal you previously saddled, you will need to click on “ Shift ».


In our material, we looked at how you can make your own saddle in the game Minecraft. And also what tools will help us with this. Since the game functionality does not allow you to create a saddle directly, use cheats and mod functionality " Saddle Resipe» to create the element you need so much.

In this article we will look at how to make a saddle in Minecraft, the main purpose of which is to provide the ability to ride a Minecraft pig, a Minecraft horse and a Minecraft dragon.

By the way, the saddle itself is not an essential item in a gaming sandbox. However, do not forget that the presence of this item significantly expands the gaming capabilities of your virtual representative in Minecraft. Agree that it is one thing to travel through the sandbox on foot and quite another to move comfortably on a pig, horse (use a donkey and mule), and even more so on a dragon. To do this, you need to have a saddle in your hand and right-click. After this you can move faster. The pig and the dragon are controlled using a fishing rod with carrots, and the horse (donkey, mule) with the buttons: - W, S, A, D.

You can make long journeys on a pig in Minecraft. It is even possible to fly on it; to do this, you need to throw eggs or snowballs at it. If you jump on a pig from a mountain or other hill so that the pig dies, then you thereby raise the level of achievement of your game character.

It must be remembered that removing a saddle from a horse (pig, horse, donkey, mule, dragon) is allowed only after their death - it falls out as a drop.

Some gamers design cars in Minecraft. The engine of such a car is a pig, which can only be held in this design with the help of a saddle. As you can see, the benefits of owning a saddle are undeniable.

Ways to obtain a saddle:

    1. The easiest and most interesting option to make a saddle is to go looking for it in the treasury. With a very high degree of probability, it may turn out that one of the chests you are looking through will contain a saddle. Even if you don’t find this rare item, you will in any case acquire other useful items you find.
    2. You don’t have to make a saddle, but buy it. To do this, you need to have 7 emeralds and find a butcher living in the village. If he has this truly rare item in stock, you will buy it. If not, you will leave empty-handed.
    3. The fastest option is to do it yourself. To do this you will need the following materials:

- 3 red leathers,
- one thread,
- an ingot of iron.

You need to craft by laying out the items on the workbench in the following order.

To craft reddish skin First you need to make simple leather by melting zombie skin.

Next, you will craft 9 (nine) pieces of ordinary leather into one reddish one

You can purchase thread in Minecraft as follows:
- craft sheep wool

- when defeating a spider as a dropped drop
- found in the treasury.

Iron ingot can be made:
- ore smelting,

- transforming the found iron block.

    1. With the installed Craftable Saddles Mod you can make a saddle inexpensively.

Saddle ID: 329.

NID: saddle.

Saddle- saddle in Minecraft in English. There is a name: bridle, which does not reflect reality.

Command to saddle: /give PlayerNick saddle.

Saddles in Minecraft are items that can be placed on mobs that are suitable for riding, except for llamas, horse skeletons, and zombie horses. Since Minecraft version 1.6.1 (13w18a), saddles have become universal, which is very convenient. You will need a saddle to ride horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Moreover, you can ride a horse, mule and donkey without a saddle, but the player will not be able to control them and go where the player wants. And to control the pig you will need a fishing rod with carrots.

Saddled: pig, donkey, mule and horse.


Where to get a saddle

A number of questions remain without a positive answer. Which? For example, “how to make a saddle in Minecraft”, “how to make a saddle for a pig”, “how to make a saddle in Minecraft without mods”. The answer is simple. Unfortunately, making a saddle in Minecraft it is forbidden. Let's hope this is temporary.

But there is good news - this item needed for horse riding can be:

And, if everything is clear with the last point, then other methods of obtaining need clarification.

A saddle on a horse is required for control.


With the release of new versions of Minecraft, sometimes the places where you can find a saddle or the quantity have changed. But one way or another, you should not ignore:

  • chests in fortresses;
  • abandoned mines;
  • hellish fortress;
  • temples in the desert and in the jungle;
  • chest of the blacksmith's house in the village;
  • city ​​of Krai.

The chances of finding a saddle in one place or another differ, sometimes very significantly.

A pig with a saddle, but to control it you need a fishing rod with carrots.


In this method of obtaining a saddle, the main thing is patience. We take a fishing rod and go to the pond. Saddles that can be caught while fishing are classified as "Treasures".

Here you need to understand that an unenchanted fishing rod has a chance:

  • 85% catch fish;
  • 10% catch garbage;
  • 5% catch treasure.

Each level of the Luck of the Sea enchantment reduces the chance of catching trash by 2.5%, and also increases the chance of catching treasure by 1%. Each level of the Lure enchantment reduces the chance of catching trash and treasure by 1%.

The conclusion is this: the best fishing rod is:

  1. For catching treasures - a fishing rod with the "Luck of the Sea III" enchantment.
  2. For fishing - "Luck of the Sea III" and "Bait III".

Tamed mule with a saddle.


This method of obtaining a saddle is relatively simple. You just need to find a village, and in it - a tanner with a white apron (like a butcher).

A trade with a tanner can be made as a third level trade for 8-10 emeralds. As a result, the player will receive a saddle.

Saddle on a donkey in Minecraft.

Features of use

The saddle can be put on a pig, horse, mule and donkey.

The main nuances are related to the use of a saddle on a pig. To put a saddle on this animal, you need to hold it in your hand and right-click. You cannot remove the saddle from a pig; it will fall out only after its death. In order to sit on the pig, you need to right-click, and the Shift button will help you get off it. Controlling a piglet without fishing rods with carrots it is impossible, but if there is one, the animal will follow in the direction of the player’s gaze. The speed will be low at first, but will soon increase. To increase speed, you can hold down RMB while sitting on a pig with a fishing rod, and the fishing rod will gradually break. The pig is uncontrollable in water.

The horse, mule and donkey must be dealt with differently. For example, you can mount a horse by right-clicking on it with empty hand. On a tamed horse You can put on a saddle that allows you to control movement with the W-A-S-D buttons.

These mobs have an inventory, which is opened by right-clicking on the animal while holding down the Shift key, a saddle (horse inventory can also be opened with horse armor), or by sitting on a horse and opening the inventory in the usual way. The saddle must be installed in the corresponding cell.

To summarize, a saddle is not required to saddle tamed horses, donkeys and mules, but it is required. For driving. To put on a saddle, you need to place it in a special inventory slot of a horse, donkey and mule, which is opened by holding the left Shift button and right-clicking on them with the saddle in your hand.

But you won’t be able to apply the saddle to the llama. But you can hang a chest on it and decorate it with a carpet.

You cannot put a saddle on a llama. But you can - a carpet and a chest.

Having a living means of transportation is much better, because it gives the user greater mobility and speed of movement. However, to do this you need to know how to craft a saddle in Minecraft, and what is required for this. By the way, we will gradually tell you all the nuances, and also share the recipe for this thing!

An interesting fact is that you will need this item in advance, that is, before you want to ride this or that animal. The fact is that the saddle not only serves as a seat, but also serves as bait, with the help of which it will be possible to tame a horse or pig. For example, to tame a horse, simply hover over it with the saddle in your hand and press the right mouse button until the animal is tamed.

How to create a saddle in Minecraft?

In the game, a saddle can be obtained in two ways: it does not have to be made manually, because sometimes the item can be simply found. Finding a saddle requires luck and patience on your part as it doesn't always appear right away. It’s worth going to the treasury to search. In local chests you can find not only saddles, but also other interesting, valuable materials, for example, emeralds, diamonds or gold. If you manage to find seven emeralds, then the desired item can be purchased in the local village. Just find a butcher and he will offer you a saddle, albeit at an inflated price. Finding a saddle may not always be successful, as it is a rather rare item.

You can make the desired item using leather, thread and iron ingots. Below is a picture showing the recipe used to create the saddle.

It is also possible to create a saddle using red leather. To make an item using this recipe, you need:

  • find zombie meat (rotten flesh) and melt it in the oven: you should get leather;
  • after that you need to create red leather from regular leather on a workbench;
  • Next, all that remains is to craft a saddle from the received materials according to the recipe.

Many players complain that it is impossible to make a saddle using this recipe, but if you strictly follow it, everything will work out. Some remain of the opinion that this item cannot be crafted, and can only be obtained through searching. In new versions of Minecraft, everything is greatly simplified, so it will be easy for you to find the necessary items, make a saddle and start using it.

As for older versions, there are quite a few add-ons that make it possible to create a saddle in Minecraft. Often they are not very different from each other and require materials such as iron, leather, thread and sticks for crafting. To find a suitable modification for the game, you need to know your version of Minecraft.

This can be done in the main game menu: even in older versions of the game, this information is displayed in one of the corners of the interface. After this, you should decide whether there is a modification for your version that allows you to craft a saddle using in-game items. If there is, then you need to install the mod and remember the crafting recipe. Otherwise, try updating your Minecraft game version to find a mod that will be compatible with your game.

Commands to get a saddle

One of the ways to get a saddle is with cheats - console commands in Minecraft that give you the requested items in your inventory. To use the saddle code, you need to make sure that the “Use cheats” option was enabled when creating the world. Try opening the console by pressing the “T” button and entering the command /give me 329. It is also possible to switch to creative mode with the command /gamemode 1 and take the item from there. You can go back by entering /gamemode 0.

The old version of Minecraft does not provide the ability to craft saddles, so players are content with mods or new releases on this topic. We can only hope that the ability to craft this item will not be changed in future versions, and the likelihood of its appearance will become higher. In earlier versions of the game, it was impossible to purchase a saddle even from a butcher in the village, so if you want to make such a purchase, you must have the latest version of Minecraft.

As a result, we can say that if you want to get a saddle in Minecraft, you need to either install mods or find the item manually.

  1. You can control a pig in the latest versions of the game using a fishing rod and a carrot. To do this, you need to attach a carrot to a fishing rod and hold it in front of the animal while riding. Thus, the pig will always take the player in the direction where the fishing rod is pointed.
  2. Riding a pig is associated with one of the game's achievements. To obtain it, you must jump off a cliff on this animal from a high enough height so that it dies upon impact with the ground. If you leave a saddled pig while it is alive, the lasso remains on it. However, if she dies, you can take it for yourself.


We hope this article was not only informative, but also quite interesting. Now you know exactly how to make a saddle in Minecraft or just get one. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the proposed video. Leave comments, rate the article and share it with your friends! Thank you!


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So, let's answer the question: "How to make a saddle in Minecraft?" Let me remind you that a saddle is a specific item in the game, thanks to it you can ride a horse or pig.

You can get it in 3 ways:

  • 1 Craft it yourself
  • 2 Find
  • 3 Buy from a butcher


Attention. To everyone who doesn’t know, I’ll tell you: without a mod you won’t be able to craft a saddle. Naming the modification Saddle Recipe.

The recipes are as follows:



If you look closely at the screenshots below, you will see temples. Yes, that's right, it is in temples that you can find saddles for your purposes.

I’ll just add one more thing: you should be very careful, because there are a lot of traps in these structures. So always look around when you go searching.


You don't need to ask the question of how to craft a saddle in Minecraft! Just go and buy it without any problems, if, of course, you have the necessary resources.

But that's not all. Let me tell you what to do with your item once you have found it. How to saddle a horse or a pig?
When you already have the coveted saddle, you just have to go up to the pig and click on the right mouse button - that’s it! You have saddled the animal, but how to control it? The point is that you still need what.

You will need a simple recipe for a fishing rod with carrots, here it is:

Then you just poke the rod in the direction you want to go and the animal will go there.

Video review:

I hope everything worked out for you, and you made a saddle for Minecraft to successfully ride your pig and are now running around on it somewhere and enjoying the game.