How to create a channel on YouTube. How to register on YouTube (YouTube)

Hi guys. Outside, summer is in full swing, without stopping from work (it’s great when you can take it with you), we are planning a new trip and 2 rafting trips with friends in our native Perm region.

In the previous article, we looked at you step by step, and today we will directly start creating our own YouTube channel and then setting it up.

Let me clarify right away that without a Google account, you will not be able to create a YouTube channel. If you previously registered and created a single Google account, then in order to create your channel, you need to log in to it. In this case, you can skip the instructions for creating a new account and go to the “How to create a YouTube channel” section of the article.

Well, for those who are completely new, let’s start one by one.

How to create a new Google account

Step 1

Let's go to and in the right corner click the blue “Login” button.

Step 2

In the login window that opens, click “Create an account.”

Step 3

We fill out the standard form, all the necessary data to create a new profile.

You can use your email address in the questionnaire; it is not necessary to create a new one in the system. For example, my account was created using my email address.

You also don’t have to fill in the phone number, but in the future, in order for all functions to be available (official affiliate programs, etc.), YouTube will still ask you to enter and confirm the number. So it’s better to use your number right away.

I also recommend that after creating an account, you do double authentication via SMS, then no one will be able to access your profile with all Google services, including YouTube.

Watch the video instructions.

How to create a YouTube channel

Creating a channel is even easier.

Step 1

Return to, in the left column click on the “My Channel” tab " and you will see a window for creating a new channel or go to “YouTube Settings”.

And in the very first settings tab, click “Create channel”, there are two buttons there.

Step 2

A window appears in which you need to write what your channel will be called.

There are 3 options for naming the channel:

  1. If it’s a personal channel, then leave your first and last name.
  2. You can name the channel after your project.
  3. Tailor to the target search query. I talked about this in an article about how to choose a theme for your channel (link will come later).

In any case, you can change the name of your channel in the future.

All! Congratulations! You've created a completely empty new YouTube channel. Now I will also look at how you can create a second channel and basic account settings, and in subsequent articles we will deal with setting up the channel itself (appearance, optimization, design, etc.).

How to create a second channel

You can create multiple channels on one Google account. To do this, you need to go to “YouTube Settings” again.

You will see instead of a button where it was simply written “Create a channel”, a button “Show all channels or create a new one” appears.

Let's look at the necessary account settings

For those who have created a new Google account, let's look at the account settings, do not confuse them with setting up all the functions of the channel itself. We will set up the channel itself, as I already said, later, everything in order so that you don’t get confused.

So, let's go again here, where we clicked the "Create channel" button.

On the left are the settings tabs.

general information

In this section, you can later change the channel name, password, view all your channels and create a new one.

By clicking on the “Advanced” button, functions will open with which you can:

  1. Set channel URLs. (For example: BlinovBlog).
  2. Link the channel to your Google Plus page.
  3. See sites that have access to your account.
  4. Delete your channel.

Linked accounts

In the second settings tab, you can link your channel to a Twitter page, and when you upload new videos on the Twitter microblog, news about the added video will be automatically posted. Since I manually publish news about video releases on social networks, I have this function disabled.


Here you can configure which of your preferences will be shown to users and subscribers. You can hide which videos you liked, who you followed, and which videos you downloaded.

For example, if you want your subscribers not to see a video from a certain section in their news, then you can hide it. This is how I hide, for example, video instructions for beginners.


Alerts are channel news that comes to your email. For example, when someone subscribes to a channel or leaves a comment on a video, you receive an email. To avoid filling your mailbox with such garbage, you can turn off unnecessary notifications.

The remaining 2 tabs: playback and connected TVs can be ignored.

What to do next?


In the chat, you can directly ask any question about YouTube and the development of your channel. Also find a manager who will help you set everything up and promote your videos.

That's all for today. Congratulations on creating your YouTube channel. I hope you will start studying it seriously, and I will help you with this. If you have questions, ask them in the comments and go to the next article.

Greetings, dear reader. With this short post I am opening a new section on the magazine’s website – “YouTube Lessons”. In the first lesson we will start from the very beginning - I will tell you how to register on YouTube for free, quickly and easily.

But first, a little theory. There are three categories of users on the YouTube website, namely:

  1. Guests– visitors to the YouTube website who do not have their own account on the resource. They can only watch videos. They cannot leave comments or add their videos to the popular video hosting site YouTube.
  2. Users– visitors to the YouTube website who have their own account on this resource. This type of user can, like the previous one, watch video clips, plus share their opinions with other YouTube users by commenting on the video.
  3. Channel owners, authors– category of users who create videos for viewing. These are the people who make YouTube the way we see it. In order to become the author of a channel, in addition to registering, you need to go through the procedure of creating a channel, by the way - it’s very easy, it takes about five minutes of time.
  1. Ability to customize your profile. You will be able to add a unique photo - an avatar - to your profile, as well as customize and supplement information about yourself, send personal messages to other users of the YouTube video hosting service.
  2. Commenting. After registration, you can leave comments under videos on YouTube video hosting. Using the commenting feature, you can share your opinion or discuss interesting topics with other YouTube video hosting users and video creators.

So, we have understood the basic concepts and theory, now let’s move directly to the essence - to the question of how to create your own account on video hosting, and absolutely free.

Registration process

Follow all the steps below in the order in which they appear, there is nothing complicated about it. Do the following:

  1. Go to the YouTube video hosting website and click the “Login” button. This button is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Once you reach the next page, click on the “Create an account” link.
  3. After the steps described above, you will see a registration form in which you need to provide your details.

Please provide the following information in the form:

  1. First and Last Name– in this field, indicate your first and last name, maybe not your real name, but it is advisable to still indicate your real first and last name.
  2. E-mail address– in this field you need to enter your email address, in this field it is advisable to click on the “Create a new Gmail address” link. Click this link. In the new field, come up with a name for the mailbox.
  3. Password– In this field, enter the password you created; the more complex the password, the better your YouTube account will be protected.
  4. Date of Birth– here you need to indicate your date of birth. Depending on what you specify in this field, some functions will be available to you or restrictions will be added. For example, if you indicate a date of birth in which you are under eighteen years of age, then some videos will not be available to you, and you will also not be able to create a channel. Therefore, think carefully before indicating this or that date of birth.
  5. Floor– in this field you need to indicate your gender, I think it’s difficult to make a mistake here.
  6. Mobile phone– In this field you need to indicate a valid phone number to which your account will be registered. If you do not want to enter the captcha, then check the box next to “Skip this check.”
  7. A country– here you need to indicate the country of your residence, you can indicate, in principle, absolutely any country, then this setting can be changed in the account settings on YouTube.

After all the steps described above, check the box indicating that you accept all the conditions and click the “Next” button.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 273 Published 05/31/2018

The most popular video hosting site, YouTube, attracts billions of visitors to its service every day. Having your own channel will help promote your business and increase the popularity of your brand. Or it can simply be monetized through advertising, of course, provided that valuable and interesting content is offered to subscribers. Today we'll talk abouthow to create a channel on YouTube,what is needed for this and what nuances await the user.

What is needed to create a personal channel

Creating your own channel on video hosting is not so easy; a little preparation is required before you begin the process. First of all, you should consider that it is impossible to create a profile on YouTube without an active account on Google. Therefore, if you don’t have one, then the first thing you need to do is.

The following trends are popular on YouTube today:

  • video blogs and information areas;
  • beauty blogs;
  • music videos;
  • reviews of films and popular videos;
  • let's plays of different directions.

In addition, educational areas are quite popular; users are more willing to watch educational videos that explain how to use this or that program.

If you manage to generate a unique idea and develop your own channel in this direction, then not only monetization, but also popularity will bring joy.

How to create a channel on YouTube

Now let's proceed directly to answering the question,how to create a channel on YouTube. The process takes place in several stages: creation itself, design and filling.

Option one

This method involves creating a channel through the settings menu. In this case, the client simply receives a blank page that requires filling.

  1. Go to the site Click the “login” button in the upper right corner. If you have a Google account, then simply enter your credentials. If not, click “register” and fill out the form fields, following the system prompts.
  2. After authorization is successful and you are in your own profile, you need to create a channel. It is worth noting that a profile and a channel are not the same thing. One account can have several channels of different directions. Open the menu section by clicking on the button in the upper left corner.
  3. We go down to the “Other features” block and go to “Settings”.
  4. After that, in the window that opens, find the “Account” menu item and in the work area we find the command “Show all channels or create a new one.”
  5. By clicking on the link indicated above, the user will see the “Create channel” button, click on it.
  6. Following the system prompts, we create a +page; if it’s easier, we simply give the new channel a name. Click the “Create” button.

This completes the creation algorithm. By clicking the last command, the user finds himself on a blank page with the given name. This is the answer to the question,how to create a channel on YouTubeexhausted, but we want to tell our readers a little more.

Option two

There is another option for creating a new channel, which is a little simpler than the previous one.

  1. Log in to your profile and open the main page of the video hosting site.
  2. Just after the search bar, look for the video camera icon with a “+” sign inside. Click on it.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the “Add Video” option.
  4. Specify the authorship of the content, by default this will be your Gmail profile information, and click the “Create Channel” button.
  5. In the window that opens, upload your first video and set the privacy level (open access or limited).
  6. Wait for the video to download and process.

In this case, a section without a name will be created; you can change this in the settings during the registration process. If you are planning a public channel, then it is mandatory to register it. In the case when a section is created only for personal use, this moment can be missed, at the request of the user.

Channel design

A beautifully designed channel attracts the attention of the audience and increases the number of content views. If you are planning to create a platform for monetization or promotion of a personal brand, then this issue should be approached very carefully. It is better if the design concept is developed in advance. But if this is not done, then you can always return to this step and make changes.

  1. Go to the new channel and in the main screen header find the button “Customize the appearance of the “Overview” page”, click it.
  2. In the window that opens, click the “Add channel design” command.
  3. Select images and upload them to the editor. Please note that the image size must be at least 2560×1440, and its weight must not exceed 6 MB. The image can also be selected from the standard gallery provided by the service.
  4. In the preview section, make sure that users on all devices see exactly what you want. If necessary, you can crop the image and select exactly the part you need.
  5. Click the “Select” button and get a customized channel header.

In the “About the channel” section you need to add its description. To do this, simply click on the appropriate command. You can also add links to another Internet resource and email for commercial inquiries. The more high-quality and relevant information about the channel is filled out, the greater the chances of attracting the right audience and increasing content views. In it you can indicate what kind of content is posted, how often new publications appear, and who appears in them. And most importantly, you can insert a link to an external resource in the description. The description limit is 1000 characters.

Recommendations for maintaining a channel

Further maintenance of the channel is also of great importance. If you are planning to create a successful project that will allow you to earn money, then special attention should be paid not only to attracting, but also to retaining the audience. Therefore, it is necessary to publish content strictly on a schedule to make it more convenient for subscribers to follow the channel, create a trailer to interest viewers, and systematize the content of the site for easier search. All this will make your channel popular over time.

May 14

How to register on YouTube and create your own channel

Good afternoon, dear blog visitors. In this article I want to tell you about how to register on YouTube for free and simply, and actually how you can create your own channel on Youtube. This information will be useful to those who want to understand how to register on YouTube or how to open a channel on YouTube.

Also, you should not ignore the issue of promoting the created channel. Every novice video blogger at the start of his journey only dreams of thousands of subscribers and views on his channel. Or you can do without dreams by ordering promotion of your channel from professionals - . Extremely affordable conditions, quality services and responsive technical support. Let's use it!"

It doesn’t matter at all whether you are engaged in an Internet business or just like to watch videos on YouTube, you need your own account in this service. In fact, there are no complicated intricacies, and you can use 1 Google account on all services from Google, this includes the Android market, YouTube, Feed Burner, and so on. Let's look at the basic registration of an account on Youtube.

You need to select “create an account” on the Youtube service itself. After which you proceed to register a new account. I strongly recommend filling out your entire profile, providing personal information and mobile phone number, and adding a photo or avatar. In fact, there is nothing complicated about registering an account on YouTube, everything is standard.

How to create a YouTube channel

If you want to create your own channel on Youtube and upload your own videos, or make money from your own videos, then you first need to create your own channel.

At the top I already have a “add video” button, yours will most likely be different. By clicking on the blue icon you will be offered to create your own channel on the service. After which you can easily create your YouTube channel.

There are practically no users left who have not heard of YouTube. A huge number of people visit it every day to learn something new, have fun, or add their own material. Most of the videos can be watched without any registration, so for those who occasionally visit this video hosting site, registration is not so necessary.

However, if the resource is visited quite often, then it may be useful. A user with his account will be able to exchange comments with other people, save your favorite videos to your page, subscribe to interesting channels and always be the first to know when new material appears.

How to register on YouTube

To get started you will need to go to official site YouTube. In the upper right corner button will be available enter, you need to click on it.

The login menu will appear, but since there is no profile yet, should be pressed to create an account, which is located just below the main field. After this, a larger registration field will open.

Everything here is quite simple, you need to enter your first and last name, come up with a password, indicate your date of birth, country and accept the agreement. The main problem There may be a lack of a Google mailbox. If it exists, then you just need to enter it in the appropriate field, but if not, you will have to click on the link below and register it as well. After clicking the next button, a letter will be sent to the specified email address, so you will need to go to your email address and follow the link sent.

After this, the user will be taken to checkout page. Here you can add your avatar, change its display, and also create a channel for uploading videos.

At this point, registration can be considered complete. Now the user can use the full functionality of video hosting, and they also receive all possibilities available Google accounts, you can create documents, use cloud storage or a special social network from Google.

How to log in to YouTube

If you already have a profile, there are not many actions left to take. To get started you will need go to hosting, here it is important to go only to the site itself, there are many fake sites that are very similar, users enter their data into them and lose their accounts. After entering the site, just click on login in the upper right corner and enter all your data. After this, all options will become available.

Basic profile and account settings

After initial registration, you may need more detailed setup all options, so this section will list the important options and give instructions on how to handle them. In order to get to the desired item, click on your avatar in the upper left corner and select settings.

In chapter " Account» you can change your profile settings.

The “” section will allow you to link your Twitter account to YouTube, after which you can check off those events that will be automatically published on this social network.

In the "" section, you can change the privacy settings of your profile; you can choose what will be shown to other users and what will remain inaccessible.

In the "" section, you can enable or disable notifications about certain events.

In chapter " Playback"You can set the default parameters; in case of bad Internet, you can choose a worse quality, and if there is an excellent connection, set the maximum quality.

In the "" section, the user will be able to see all connected TVs or add new ones. To do this, you just need to go to the desired application on your TV and follow the further instructions.

» allows you to manage confirmation of purchases on YouTube

How to create your own channel

There are no particular difficulties in creating a channel. To begin with, you will need log in to your account on YouTube, then you need to go to the left side and click on “ My channel", after this a window will appear in which you just have to click on Create channel.

In fact, the creation of the channel can be considered complete. In the future, all you have to do is add a video, you can also rename it, change themes and designs, you can create playlists on your channel so that later other people or you can watch the video clips.

If the user plans to make money from this, then there is even more work to be done; there will be a need for competent marketing, a specific channel theme and some kind of feature that will distinguish it from everyone else.