Access error "400 Bad request": what is it and how to fix the situation? How to disable extensions in Google Chrome.

Found in all browsers. In the classical sense, it means that a syntax error is hidden in the request, but in practice, the cause of such an error can be anything: even interruptions in the work of the Internet provider. We have collected here the most common reasons for this error.

What does it mean: Error 400 Bad Request


A story from my practice. One day, after downloading the Google Chrome browser, I encountered a problem: when I entered the site’s admin panel, the browser gave error "400 Bad Request"". The same thing happened with the entrance to my other sites. The strange behavior of the browser was that everything was loading - Yandex, any sites, including mine. But it was impossible to go deeper.


400 Bad Request -

literally "bad request"

The version that there was a problem with the hosting disappeared by itself, since all my sites are located on different hosters, and they all gave the same error when logging in. Similar to cookies, because they are the ones that save all passwords and logins. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is that the browser itself is weird. Based on recommendations from experts, and even history for some reason. Just in case. It didn’t help, although this is the first recommendation when you search for ““.
It was decided to tear down the browser itself and reinstall it. Reinstalled. Problem still exists. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to check how things are in other browsers. I loaded the sites into Mozzila Firefox - the same thing. Explorer - again 400 Bad Request. It's clearly not a matter of browsers.

Next, the Firewall was analyzed and corrected: the modem was added to the list of exceptions, and then the Firewall itself was disabled. Does not help. It's the same with antivirus. All settings of the modem, connections and ports were also sanded. I reinstalled the modem several times. In the end, the Internet disappeared completely. Which is to be expected. It’s good that there are restore points - I did a rollback. The Internet appeared, but the problem did not disappear.

I wrote to the support service of one of my hosters: I understand that the problem is not in their area, but suddenly they know how to solve it. While waiting for a response, I contacted my provider - Beeline. It’s already 12 at night, I’ve been busy all day. And I came up with the simplest solution last - the deeper and more valuable the experience. Beeline support service responded: “Currently there are difficulties with GPRS and 3G. We are doing everything we can. We apologize." It was not possible to reach the operator, since apparently there were many people like me that day. I turned off the computer and went to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening.

The next day it disappeared, and the Internet began to fly even faster. It’s interesting that on all the resources I went to using a search query, no one suggested that the problem might lie in the work of the Internet provider. So, if you find such an error, and one of the clearest symptoms of the disease is that the Internet is available, but not everything is loading, don’t worry, but call your provider first. It is possible that you just need to wait a little. But this is only one of the possible reasons.


After some time, I got the same error, but for a completely different reason and with different symptoms. I also couldn’t log into the site’s admin panel, but error 400 Bad Request began to appear when loading other pages and sites, and not always. I immediately ruled out problems with the provider by calling the support service - everything was fine on the line and with the modem. Cleared cookies and cache in a week. And I started working on the antivirus, remembering that the error appeared after the antivirus version was updated the day before.

Whatever antivirus you have, carefully study its settings. If your antivirus has a firewall, you need to look at its settings. The antivirus I have has a firewall, and it’s quite complex. It has a “Rules for Applications” setting. Different antiviruses call this differently, but you usually need to look in this area. Among the listed applications, I found the browser that I work with and increased the level of trust in outgoing and incoming access. It stood very low and blocked the Internet. After which the error disappeared, and the pages began to load quickly.

If one day you

You are already looking at the Internet with different eyes.

From the notes of a neo-blogger

To exclude the antivirus from the list of possible causes, you need to completely disable it for a while, reboot the computer and check the loading of problematic pages with the antivirus disabled. If error 400 disappears, you need to adjust the antivirus program settings or change the antivirus program.

P.S. Since the article is popular, I am adding a postscript. About a week after the above, error 400 appeared again. Not so often, but it popped up periodically. It so happened that I changed the provider - instead of Beeline Megafon, after which the error disappeared completely. If you have tried a lot and nothing has helped, find the opportunity to temporarily try a modem from another provider - in fact, this is the best way to check if the connection is the problem.


Firewall is the most common cause of blocked sites and errors 400 Bad Request. To find out it's not in it If this is the case, try disabling it for a while: Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Windows Firewall - Turn it on and off. Then clear the cache and cookies and try loading the problematic pages again.

If the problem was hidden here, then add allowed programs to the firewall. This is done through the Start menu. Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Firewall - Allow a program to run through a firewall. If your browser is not included in the list by default, add it manually. Then turn on the firewall and check how the pages load.


One of the most common reasons for the appearance Very often, deleting cookies and clearing the cache frees the browser from this trouble. There is a separate article on how to do this.

If you have discovered your own way to solve this problem (and it really causes great inconvenience and irritation), share your pain and solutions to the problem in the comments.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a person who does not use the Internet. Some people get the necessary information from its vastness, some enjoy their favorite games, and some even do remote work.

Each of them, at least once, was faced with the fact that upon requesting a certain Internet page, an incomprehensible message appeared - "400 - Bad Request."

What this message means and why it appears - the average user has no idea about it.

In our article we will try to figure out what it is 400 bad request how to fix and how to avoid such a situation in the future.

In the computing world, a 400 (Bad Request) error occurs when the server is unable to process a client request. This occurs due to incorrect syntax that creates the necessary relationships between various web services, as well as the client and web applications.

This makes it quite difficult to figure out what is causing this problem, even in a controlled development environment.

On whose side did the error occur?

For those who don't know yet - if the code is 4xx - this is http response data, and errors with such digital values ​​​​occur on the client side.

The client refers to both the browser and the device through which the application is accessed.

At its core, the occurrence of such an error may mean that the client device sent an incorrect request for some reason. This may not only be an incorrectly formed request, but also an attempt. This also includes incorrectly formed http headers, which also cause an error with code 4xx.

Remember that in this case, the object generating the 400-Bad Request error can be either the client or the requested server.

Diagnosing the error

An invalid request error may occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • A false request router accepts information that a client intentionally or accidentally sends. There is a certain category of web applications that try to detect certain headers in a request that certify that there is no malicious intent. If such headers are missing, a 400 error is the inevitable result;
  • If the client device downloads a file that is too large, the request may not be able to complete. This is due to the existing limit on the size of downloaded files on most servers and applications. In this case, you will also encounter the problem described;
  • if the client device requests an incorrectly composed URL, an error warning will also appear;
  • in the process of use by the client, outdated or invalid. This is due to the fact that the browser contains local cookies that identify the session. When two tokens - from your client session and from another client are similar - the requested server may regard this situation as a malicious act and display an invalid request error on the screen.

Solving the client side problem

Be that as it may, the most correct solution would be to find and correct faults in client devices and applications.

The first step is to check the correctness.

Often the error lies in its incorrect input.

Don't forget that domain names - no matter how you type them - will in no way affect the correct functioning of the link.

For example, internet-company winter and inTErnet-COmpany will work exactly the same. But everything related to the URL - the information that comes after the domain name - is case sensitive and must be spelled correctly. If the URL contains incorrect characters, the server responds to the request by displaying the error code that occurred.

Clearing cookies

The presence of identical or incorrect cookies on the local server is also the cause of the 400 Bad Request error.

These files are small amounts of data that various websites use to remember the specific device or browser from which the request was made.

Thanks to this, all subsequent visits to such a site occur much faster than the first time.

The presence of such cookies creates convenience for the user, but may also cause a conflict with another user's session token. In this case, one of you, and perhaps both of you at the same time, the server will give a 4xx error.

When deleting cookies, you don't have to completely get rid of all existing ones - just delete those that correspond to a specific domain name.

However, if you have no idea about selective deletion, it would be most correct to completely delete.

Each browser has its own cleaning scheme, however, they are all somewhat similar to each other.

Clearing Chrome Browser Cache

  • open the specified browser on your computer;
  • Using the menu icon located in the upper right part of the working window, select the item "Additional Tools", and then - "Clear browsing data";
  • indicate in a special window for what period of time the cleaning should be done;
  • from the list, select the item "Cookies and other site data";
  • click on the button "Delete data".

After these steps, all saved cookies will be deleted from your browser.

Uploading smaller files

If you're downloading a specific file and getting an invalid request error, it may be because the volume is too large.

Try uploading a smaller file to make sure the application works correctly.

Rolling back recent changes

If you updated your client management system before the 400 Bad Request error appeared - The solution to the problem may be to roll back to a previously installed version.

In addition, you can roll back updated extensions and modules, since they can also cause an unpleasant situation.

Removing new extensions and modules

Some extensions have the unpleasant feature of changing tables and records in the database that do not belong to them.

In this case, you will have to remove the last installed extensions and then manually clean the database of their effects.

Reinstalling the Windows Operating System program

Incorrect operation of this program may cause a Bad Request. To resolve the issue, you should reinstall it.

Let's look at removing this program using an example.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • use the Start button to open the tab "Programs and Features";
  • open the "Programs" window, the link to which is in the control panel;
  • select item "Programs and Features";
  • in the “Name” section, find the line “Windows Operating System”. Select it and click on the “Delete” button;
  • To complete the removal process, fulfill all the necessary conditions.

After uninstallation, you will need to reinstall this program using the instructions from Microsoft Corporation.

Malware detection and removal

Another reason that can cause a 400 error is that your computer is infected with various .

Such programs can change or completely delete browser state files.

In addition, some components of the malware themselves may cause the error.

To be able to protect against this type of program, install the appropriate application on your computer. One of the best is Emsisoft Anti-Malware. This application not only protects, but is also guaranteed to remove any malware.

Driver Update

Oddly enough, outdated or incorrectly working drivers can also create a similar problem, so try to check their functionality as often as possible and update them on time.

Manually checking it takes too long, so the easiest way is to install a program on your computer like DriverDoc, which will completely save you from this routine work.

Windows Update

Microsoft continues to work on updating and improving its operating systems.

In some cases, you just need to update your browser status codes and the Bad Request error will go away on its own.

To do this, you will need to use the “Start” button and enter “update” into the search query, and then press the Enter key.

In this case, the OS update dialog will open, which will display all available packages (if any).

If none of the options helped to get rid of the problem - contact specialists.

Video on solving the 400 Bad Request problem:

Who among those who like to wander the Internet has not encountered the “400: Bad request” error appearing in the browser? True, not all surfers know what it means and why it occurs. Now we will try to clarify this situation.

400 Bad request: what does it mean?

As is believed in the computer world, error number 400 is purely user-related when entering an incorrect request (URL) to access a specific site on the World Wide Web. We beg to differ.

Of course, you can enter an incorrect address, but sometimes even when the address or link is opened correctly, the “HTTP: 400 Bad request” error appears again and again. There can be many reasons for this. This is especially often evident when accessing personal hosting services hosted on different, independent servers from different providers. What is the reason?

Request syntax errors

Indeed, one of the root causes can be called a violation of the correct entry of the page address. Let’s take a simple example: when trying to access the same mail server, a Ukrainian user can enter a URL in the address bar that seems to correspond to his region (in this case, let’s say it is the address).

In reality, such a site with a postal service does not exist in nature. It is clear that any Internet browser will immediately display the message “400: Bad request”. But even with this formulation of the question, you can find a bunch of other reasons for the access error.

"400: Bad request Nginx" error problem

The Nginx system itself is either a specific proxy mail server or a web server running under UNIX systems.

Typically, errors of this kind are associated with an incorrect server response for a request from a specific IP address. The error results are recorded in a special LOG file, after which they are automatically entered into the firewall as unreliable. Thus, hosting operations are disrupted, regardless of what operating system or browser is used in this situation.

Firewall Impact

As is already clear, the “400: Bad request” error often occurs when a firewall blocks a request.

A way out of this situation may be to add the site address or access device to the list of exceptions. For Windows systems, this is done by accessing the security menu located in the standard “Control Panel”.

In principle, there is nothing wrong even with disabling the firewall completely (of course, if you have a powerful antivirus package). Some clarifications also need to be given on this score.

Antivirus exclusion list

As a rule, the most common standard antivirus packages have their own built-in firewall. It can also block potentially unsafe or unwanted content.

In this situation, if an error message “400: Bad request” occurs, you should do the same as in the case described in the previous subheading.

The most necessary actions

Speaking about error 400, it is worth highlighting the general principles for solving such a problem. To get started, in the installed browser you just need to clear your browsing history, delete cache files and cookies. Only then can exclusion lists be applied.

By the way, after clearing unnecessary garbage in the browser, it is strongly recommended to restart the computer terminal. It is likely that the problem will go away on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to contact your provider (especially if the error occurs in all browsers). It may very well be that the hosting does not work or access to certain resources is blocked precisely because of malfunctions in the equipment of the provider company.

In any case, at least one of the proposed solutions to the problem when the “400: Bad request” error occurs should help. If this does not work, especially in cases where messages related to Nginx blocking appear, it is worth checking the system for viruses, because many of them disguise themselves as this service.

In addition, it is worth separately checking your computer for the presence of advertising or spyware such as Malware, Adware or Spyware using specialized software. It is very possible that the unauthorized installation of some additional elements, such as quick access panels, led to disruption of the system as a whole.

Viewers often encounter errors while using the YouTube service ←

Mostly they are related to:

  1. unstable internet connection
  2. software incompatibility
  3. and hosting problems.

Especially for our readers, we have systematized popular errors on YouTube, and we will also tell you about ways to eliminate them ↓↓↓

Main types of problems

Let's start with the fact that there are a variety of reasons why YouTube produces various glitches. In turn, an error is a technical or software malfunction that disrupts the operation of certain services or functions......

Most malfunctions occur on the user's side: ↓↓↓

  • low internet connection speed;
  • outdated software;
  • poor device performance;
  • incompatible video format and much more.

YouTube writes an error for any of the reasons described above, based on which the following types can be distinguished:

  1. YouTube playback errors;
  2. application errors;
  3. errors when loading videos;
  4. translation errors and others.

Below we will look at the most popular failures, as well as methods to correct them.

1) → Network error in YouTube on Android - there is a solution !!!

Increasingly, on forums, users of mobile gadgets complain about malfunctions when using YouTube services.

Most often, the phone owner sees various dialog boxes:

In this case, the problem can be resolved very quickly:

  • connect to a high-speed access point;
  • restart the application;
  • download an updated version of the application or OS;
  • repeat playing the video later.

In some cases, you may notice that there is network access, but the application shows a 400 error.

→ In this case, you definitely need to go to the applications and clear the cache in YouTube.

Usually, this allows you to fix the problem, which occurs very often during updates

Please note that such connection errors are associated with low Internet speed and YouTube is not at all to blame here!

You can easily verify that the problem occurs on your end if you test the service from another gadget and on a different access point.

2) → Error in the YouTube application - detailed instructions on what to do

Phone users are also complaining that an error has occurred in the YouTube application. This problem occurs very often and is a dialog box that says “an error has occurred in the application.”

This window may appear:

  1. when the phone starts
  2. or while using the application.

The main reason for this problem is that one of the services that the application accesses is disabled.

Now let's look at one of the methods that will help fix this problem:

  • go to “Settings” and the “Applications” item on your mobile phone;
  • Find disabled applications at the end of the list and click;
  • select “Enable”;
  • most often we are talking about Google services, fonts and other utilities;
  • Once the procedure is complete, reboot your device.

That's it - ready

→ If the problem does not go away, then try a similar procedure, open the YouTube application and clear its cache. In some cases, rebooting the device or completely resetting the data helps. !!!

3) → Error try again later is the best solution

This problem occurs with equal frequency on phones and computers. Most often it happens during the playback of a video.

So, playback is interrupted and a notification appears “an error occurred, try again later.”

Experience shows that this problem is most often observed in Firefox.

If, for example, you play a video on another gadget, the video plays normally.

There are several methods to fix this ↓↓↓

1. Reinstalling Flash Player:

Well, or here’s a video instruction ↓

2. You may also find information that this error occurs due to a change in the playback ID.

→ So, such a video error on YouTube can be eliminated very simply - you need to set the correct time and date on your computer !!! This way, you can resolve the ID error in just a few clicks.

3. Also on the forums there are other popular ways to solve the error, try again. In particular, you can go to the privacy settings, and then delete the cache and cookies.

→ For some users, when they encounter the message “An error occurred, please try again,” the method of reinstalling the browser helps.

But here it’s worth using all the methods sequentially until you achieve normal playback.

4) → Error 404 on YouTube - can the problem be solved?

Every user has seen a “404” header at least once - this means that there is no similar page on this domain !!!

Also, a similar picture can appear on YouTube:

  1. Sometimes the user makes a mistake when entering the address
  2. and in other cases, the problem appears due to software incompatibility.

Most often, the problem can be traced to users of mobile devices.

Today we will look at:

Users of mobile devices running the Android operating system often experience problems launching certain applications. So, one day you may see a 404 error when you run this program. In fact, this problem is solved quite quickly, and there is nothing terrible about it. Next, you will learn how to fix error code 404 on YouTube in a few minutes.

Reasons for the error

According to official documentation and various information on technical forums, it is a problem with the network that causes error code 400 in YouTube. However, as practice shows, in most cases the network has nothing to do with it, and the fault is the incorrect operation of the application: a clogged cache, errors in the program, problems with the Google account, etc.

Let's figure out point by point how to fix it all and remove the 400 error on YouTube.

Deleting cache

Cache is data that, after launching sites and applications, is downloaded to your mobile device for faster operation of certain services and programs in the future. The cache takes up a certain amount of memory, and its excessive presence can lead to various kinds of problems (and even cause a 404 error on YouTube). The first thing we recommend doing in this situation is clearing the cache.

To completely clear the YouTube app cache on your phone, do the following:

After completing these steps, you can try opening the YouTube service.

Outdated version of YouTube

Mobile applications in the Play Market are updated quite often. And it often happens that old versions of programs are no longer supported by the developer, as a result of which running them can lead to errors.

To update the application, follow these steps:

Important! For such actions, you must have constant access to the Internet so that the files needed for the update are successfully downloaded to your device.

Complete reinstallation of the application

If the means described above for eliminating error 400 in YouTube did not help you, then the problem is hidden more deeply. In this case, we recommend performing a complete reinstallation of YouTube on your smartphone.

After these steps, it is very likely that the application will work for you, and the 400 error code will no longer bother you.

Error 400 in YouTube on TV

If you use the YouTube application most often on a TV, where you also saw error 400, then the problem can be solved using similar methods described above if you use an Android device or Android Mini PC TV to broadcast videos from this video hosting.

In situations where the broadcast is carried out by other means, network problems may actually be involved, which causes the 400 error code in YouTube. In this case, we recommend checking that the modem or other device for transmitting the Wi-Fi signal is properly connected and the TV is configured.